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Non-Core Intent Statement

The non-core offer at Bradford AP Academy aims to utilise a range of subjects, with a core focus on PSHCE and current issues. The topics we cover are relevant to the localised issues our students face and are delivered in a way that is accessible, relevant and engaging. Our aim within these lessons is to develop the students in an educational sense, whilst also increasing their understanding of the society they live within, improving their chances of positively contributing to society during and after their education. The issues covered in lessons are transient and informed by national and local trends, allowing our students to make informed, healthy and safe choices.

Curriculum Content

The following topics and themes are taught at BAPA to support the effective implementation of the Non-Core intent statement. These have been divided into sections with relevant topics, listed for each section.

Preparation to successfully manage influences from other factors in pupils’ home life, community and elsewhere:

  • Drug and alcohol education
  • Criminal exploitation - County lines
  • Gang activity
  • Knife crime
  • Sexual exploitation
  • Female genital mutilation (FGM)
  • Forced marriage
  • Domestic violence
  • Radicalisation and extremism

Staying safe and healthy:

  • Dangers of inappropriate use of mobile technology and social media
  • Benefits of keeping physically healthy
  • Benefits of a healthy diet
  • Benefits of healthy lifestyles and exercise – Opportunities to take part in activity through the school day and extra-curricular activities
  • Understanding of healthy relationships and age appropriate sex education

Support pupils to develop many diverse aspects of life:

  • Confidence and resilience
  • Character
  • Responsible and respectful citizens
  • Understanding of British values to include democracy and law
  • Equality of opportunity – Difference is a positive
  • Inclusive attitudes to meet needs irrespective of age, disability, gender reassignment, race, religion or belief, sex or sexual orientation.

Preparation for adult life:

  • Careers education
  • Support for the next phase of education, training or employment

An awareness and understanding of cultural capital:

Cultural capital is described in the National Curriculum as, ‘It is essential knowledge that pupils need to be educated citizens, introducing them to the best that has been thought and said and helping to engender an appreciation of human creativity and achievement.’ There are opportunities to deliver this across the whole curriculum as well as within the non-core offer.

An awareness and experience in STEM activities

To support students to experience, enjoy and gain maths and science skills required within modern society, we will deliver activities aimed to inspiring students to appreciate that maths and science provide opportunities in a wide range of contexts and careers. To support this, STEM activities will aim to:

  • Influence young people to think about maths and science and raise awareness of the exciting and wide-ranging careers opportunities that link to STEM subjects.
  • Increase student participation in maths and science studies at post-16,
  • Increase the desire for students, and particularly girls, to pursue careers that need skills in science, technology, engineering and maths

An awareness and experience in humanities

A high-quality humanities education will help pupils reflect and make links between physical and human processes as well as think critically, weigh up evidence, sift arguments, and develop perspective and judgement. Lessons in humanities will also support the delivery of personal development and PSHCE, as well as allowing opportunities to experience cultural capital and develop a curiosity and fascination to learn more on specific topics.