If you are transporting your child in your vehicle, it may be possible to claim for assistance with costs. Complete the form above and details regarding this option can be found at the end of the application form.
To celebrate the start National Apprenticeship Week, we are launching our brand new Apprenticeships Guide for parents and carers – and it’s free for you to download now. Our new digital guide is packed full of vital information to help parents guide young people as they decide whether an apprenticeship could be for them.
Sponsored by the National Audit Office, the fourth edition of our Apprenticeships Guide contains insider insights from employers, interviews with today’s apprentices – and in-depth information about apprenticeship programmes across 17 industries..…
We are delighted to announce, that following an inspection by OFSTED in April 2023, we have been awarded the highest possible rating of `Outstanding` in all areas.
Below are just some of the wonderful things that the OFSTED inspection team said about BAPA:
Leaders are aspirational for what pupils can achieve during their time at the school.
Highly skilled staff have created a place where pupils feel safe and valued as individuals. Staff quickly get to know pupils so that the curriculum they receive is suitably ambitious.
Pupils value and respond positively to the high expectations set. This is seen in the quality of their work, their knowledgeable contributions to lessons, their attendance and their behaviour.
Staff seamlessly balance kindness, respect, humour, routines and boundaries.
Pupils are very positive about the difference the staff here make for them.
Pupils rapidly broaden their knowledge during their time here.
Nearly all older pupils gain the qualifications they need and go on to future education and employment.
Pupils of all ages leave the provision much better equipped for the world ahead.
Schools should show the compulsory times they are open. This time runs from the official start (8.45pm) of the school day (morning registration) to the official end (2.30pm) of the compulsory school day. It includes breaks, but not optional before or after school activities… Click to view more
Support for young people & families who have experienced bereavement
Supporting young people through the coronavirus:
The outbreak of Covid-19 is an anxious time for many young people, especially for young people and their families who may have experienced bereavement. Often we are at a loss as to know what to say or do to help a young person who has been bereaved by the death of someone important to them…. Click here to view more
Parent Zone:
ParentZone’s digital drop-ins are an ideal way for parents to engage in online safety and reinforce important messages during lockdown.
Delivered on YouTube and led by Parent Zone’s experienced team, these sessions take a 360 degree look at specific topics such as Cyberbullying and Sharing Carefully.
Check out Parent Zone and keep up to date with the latest news.
WORDS FOR LIFE provides parents, children and young people with activities and support to improve their language, literacy and communication skills from home.
Support for young people & families who have experienced bereavement
Supporting young people through the coronavirus:
The outbreak of Covid-19 is an anxious time for many young people, especially for young people and their families who may have experienced bereavement. Often we are at a loss as to know what to say or do to help a young person who has been bereaved by the death of someone important to them…. Click here to view more
Richard Bottomley: Head Teacher Bradford AP Academy