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Attendance – Information for Parents

Click here to access our Parent One Page Attendance Policy

A copy of our full Attendance Policy is available to download on the policies page on this website.

Please refer to our easy read guides below to discover why good attendance is vital to our students.

Why is attendance so important?
  • Every time a student is absent from school they miss out on vital learning.
  • National statistics clearly show that those students who do not attend school regularly make significantly less progress than their peers.
  • It is a legal requirement that all students attend school.
  • Records of attendance and punctuality are of vital importance for return to school, reference for college courses and future jobs.
  • Being on time for school is a good habit for future work.
How do we encourage good attendance?
  • All staff support positive attendance and continue to raise the profile of its importance.
  • A phone call home is made every the day of absence.
  • We maintain close liaison with families to raise the profile of attendance.
  • The rewards system recognises positive attendance. This includes certificates and individual and class rewards.
  • Home visits for young people with persistent absence.
  • Liaison with schools and the LA to support young people with persistent absence.
Family holidays during term time

Children of compulsory school age must, by law, attend school regularly. Regular attendance is important, not just because the law requires it but because it is the best way of ensuring that a child makes the most of the educational opportunities which are available to him or her. School cannot authorise holidays during term time. There may be occasions when a child has to miss school, for example, if he or she is unwell. Any other absences should be kept to an absolute minimum.


Punctuality is important. There are a number of reasons for this, but the main one is that your child will miss valuable education time by being late. At the start of each day, we take part in tutor time where we reflect on the previous day and prepare for success during the coming day. This is followed by daily spelling practice. Following tutor time, the core lessons of English and Maths are taught. As can be seen, the start of the day is a very valuable time.

Any problems?

If there are any problems or concerns, which affect a child’s attendance at BAPA, parents / carers should contact the Head of Centre or AP&HE Manager to discuss the issue.